When placing an order, please keep in mind that there is usually a 2-4 week wait. I would highly encourage you to check our availability slots before purchasing. You can do this by message us on instagram @alchemistacademystore first to verify. We also have a 48 hour expedite option available, which is $100 per spell. When checking out, please include your first and last name as well as your instagram handle, whatsapp number, or email as a way to follow up with you to retrieve the information needed to perform your ritual. If you are also able to include information about your situation and give us your general back story, it will help us better connect with you. If purchasing a reading, we typically try getting your reading back to you within 24 hours of the order being placed!
My name is Rael, and I am a witchcraft practitioner who also specializes in energy manipulation. When ordering spell work with me, I...
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Have a great day!
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